Recently Sold - Decoys
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Mason Glasseye Mallard Hen
Carved Robin
Carved Feeding Lesser Yellowlegs Shorebird Decoy
An Unusual Running Curlew Weathervane
Photo Not Available
Black Duck Decoy
Golden Plover in Fall Plumage Shorebird Decoy
Rare Semi-Palmated Plover Shorebird Decoy
Golden Plover in Spring Plumage Tinny Shorebird Decoy
Rare Ruddy Turnstone Tinny in Spring Plumage
Black Duck Decoy
Mason Glasseye Green-Winged Teal Drake Decoy
Mason Glasseye Pintail Drake Decoy
An Oversized Black-Bellied Plover Shorebird Decoy
Rare Hollow Mason Challenge Goldeneye Drake Decoy
Late Mason Premier Bluebill Drake Decoy
Early Carved Miniature Lesser Scaup Drake and Hen Pair
An Early Stylish Carved Miniature Pintail Drake
Early Mason Glasseye Pintail Hen Decoy
Unused Early Wildfowler Green-Winged Teal Drake and Hen Pair
Well-Carved and Painted White-Winged Scoter Pair
"G(us)? Wilson" Trade Sign
Redbacked Sandpiper Tinny Shorebird Decoy
Golden Plover in Fall Plumage Tinny Shorebird Decoy
Mason Premier Chesapeake Bay Model Canvasback Drake Hen
Common Eider Drake Decoy
Rare Mason Tackeye White-Winged Scoter Drake Decoy
A Thin-Bodied Mason Tackeye Black Duck Decoy
Early Mason Premier Black Duck Decoy
Early Carved Miniature Hooded Merganser Drake and Hen Pair
Early Mason Challenge Mallard Drake Decoy
Lesser Yellowlegs Shorebird Decoy
Blue-Winged Teal Drake Decoy
Carved Miniature Yellow Shafted Northern Flicker
An Exceptional Mason Premier Mallard Hen Decoy
A Classic Mason Premier Black Duck Decoy
Nearly Mint Mason Premier Canvasback Drake Decoy
Mason Premier Canvasback Hen Decoy
Feeding Greater Yellowlegs Shorebird Decoy
Mason Challenge Merganser Drake Decoy
Stylish Mason Challenge Goldeneye Hen Decoy
Mason Challenge Bluebill Drake Decoy
Yellowlegs Shorebird Decoy
Carved Miniature Woodcock Pair
Dodge Glasseye Mallard Drake and Hen Decoy Pair
A Nearly Mint, Early Mason Premier Mallard Drake Decoy
Mason Painted Eye Mallard Drake Decoy
Carved Miniature Wigeon Drake
Crowell Black-Capped Chickadee on Pine Branch Wall Hanger
Unusual Back Preening Willet Shorebird Decoy
Black-Bellied Plover Shorebird Decoy in Spring Plumage
More Recently Sold - Decoys
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