New Arrivals

Services We Offer


You will never pay over the marked price. There are no 20-28% buyer's premium or shipping charges (for Continental US). We've been in the field for over 40 years...


We purchase items or entire collections, or we sell on a consignment basis, when the items are consistent with the type and quality of material we carry. All transactions are discreet. We pay high, competitive rates...

About RJG Antiques

Buying and Selling Old Duck Decoys and Antique American Folk Art, Emphasizing Original Paint

Located in Rye, New Hampshire, Russ and Karen Goldberger have operated RJG Antiques for over 40 years. A highly regarded dealer, author, counselor and broker, Russ has been instrumental in the formation of some of the finest antique duck decoy and folk art collections in the country. The Goldbergers maintain a large and ever-changing inventory of vintage duck and shorebird decoys and American folk art. They are well-known for an emphasis on original paint. Everything is guaranteed to be as represented. Russ also regularly represents clients at auction and as an agent in negotiating private sales.